How does the Manage Inventory work in the (formerly Notify Me App)?

Thank you for exploring the Manage Inventory feature. This section allows you to efficiently adjust the inventory or stock levels of all your products (and variants). The Notim app will only display products (and variants) that fall below the Inventory Warning Levels you’ve set. Depending on your configuration, these levels could include Global, Additional, or Specific Product Inventory Warning Levels.
With the, you don't need to navigate to your Shopify Admin -> Products section to check product and variant inventories. The app provides real-time updates, displaying only the products and variants that are currently below your configured Inventory Warning Levels.
The text area displays the current stock levels for each product and variant. To update or adjust the inventory, simply input the new quantity you’ve received or currently have available.
Using the example below, if you receive 50 additional quantities for each product, the updated stock levels will be calculated as follows:
Cool Fabric (SKU: CF101): Current stock (0) + Newly received (50) = 50 total in stock
Cool Fabric (SKU: CF102): Current stock (5) + Newly received (50) = 55 total in stock
Dash Fabric (SKU: DF101): Current stock (0) + Newly received (50) = 50 total in stock
After updating the inventory in the Manage Inventory section, always remember to press the Save button.

We offer an Export as CSV option under the Manage Inventory page. This feature allows you to export Out-of-stock products with one request every 24 hours. Simply visit notim app -> Manage Inventory and click the Export as CSV.
Updated on: 22/01/2025
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