How to disable the Buy Me App on a certain page?

This is a completely optional setting. If you want to disable the Buy Me app on certain pages like some product(s) or for some URL Based Listing pages then you should need to include this meta to your page where you want to disable the Buy Me app.
So if you want to disable the Buy Me app on one or more product(s) page then simply add <meta name=’buy-me:active’ content=’false’ /> to Products -> Select Product -> Description -> Click <> icon and just paste <meta name=’buy-me:active’ content=’false’ /> to Description section and save the product.
If you want to disable the Buy Me app on other pages like a Home page or any static pages. Just include <meta name=’buy-me:active’ content=’false’ /> on that page only from Online Store -> Themes -> Current Theme -> Click on Actions button -> Edit Code -> Just find that page from the left side list and put <meta name=’buy-me:active’ content=’false’ /> code at last.
So in the same way, you can disable the Buy Me app on any page. You simply need to add this code to that page and we will disable the Buy Me app on those pages.
Updated on: 24/01/2024
Thank you!