How does the Buy/Add To Cart Button setting work with Sticky Buy Me Widget?

This is a completely optional collection of settings. So if you will not change anything in the Buy/Add To Cart button then we will apply your store default Add To Cart/Buy button text and style.
Here, you can change the Sticky Buy Me Widget button text and its animation style. So say your default product page Add To Cart/Buy button text is Add To Cart, but in the Sticky Buy Me Widget you want something else text says “Buy Now”, then you simply need to add “Buy Now” without quotes in the Buy Button Text field as you see in above snapshot. The app will display “Buy Now” text instead of your default store’s product page Add To Cart button text. Same way, in the Sold Out Button Text you can change the Sticky Buy Me Widget button text for the “Sold Out” product. Furthermore, you can change the color of the button text and also change the button back color. And, you can also set the animation effect for the button click.
Updated on: 05/02/2024
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