How do the Variants setting work with Sticky Buy Me Widget?

This is a completely optional collection of settings. So if you will not change anything in Variants then as default we will not display Variants in the Sticky Buy Me widget only. Variants will be displayed on your product page as per your theme settings and the availability of variants.
From here you can change the Sticky Buy Me Widget Variants settings. So you can enable Variants for Desktop and Mobile separately. If you want to show Variants Labels, then there is an option for this as well. Variant Labels mean Sizes, Colors, or anything else as per your Product’s characteristics.
Here, you can change the color of the label and also change the variant text color. You can also change the variant back color as per your choice. Also, the variant border can be changed by pixel. And if you apply a radius to the variant border it feels like a smooth curve.
Updated on: 23/01/2024
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