How do the Other Settings work with Sticky Buy Me Widget?

This is a completely optional collection of settings. So by default, these settings are disabled, and if you want to enable simply click on the checkboxes that you want to enable. For Reviews Stars, you have to select the Review Star app from the box that you are using. Let’s discuss it all with a little details.
Buy/Add To Cart Button click action : With this option, you have control over the action triggered upon clicking the Buy/Add To Cart button. The app provides the following choices:
Automatic: This option will seamlessly add the selected product to your cart. Depending on your theme compatibility, you may remain on the current page or be directed to the cart page.
Reload & stay on product page: This option will seamlessly add the product to your cart. And the app will reload the page, ensuring a smooth continuation of your shopping journey.
Redirect to cart page: This option will effortlessly add the product to the cart and swiftly navigate your customers to the Cart page for a streamlined checkout process.
Skip Cart and go directly to checkout: This option will accelerate the checkout process by bypassing the Cart page and redirecting your customers directly to Shopify’s native checkout page. While this may reduce Cart Abandonment.
Please note: If you are utilizing a third-party payment gateway instead of Shopify’s native checkout, kindly opt for the “Redirect to cart page” option.
If uncertainty persists, feel free to engage with us via our in-app chat widget or email for further assistance.
Reviews Stars? : If you enable this option then it will display star ratings in the Sticky Buy Me Widget that is given by your customers from the Review app used by you. But you have to select an appropriate Review app from the list of apps provided by different companies that are displaying on the Sticky Buy Me Widget’s configuration page. If you will not find your Review app in the list then please chat with us or email us from an in-app chat widget and we will include your Review app name.
Display product name with variant name? : If you will enable this setting then it will display the product name with variant name in the Sticky Buy Me Widget.
Enable Instant Load? : If you enable this setting then we will display the Sticky Buy Me widget as soon as your Product page loads in your customer’s browser. This setting will be really helpful when your product page has a default Add To Cart button but it’s too down and your customer needs to scroll more to purchase your product. So it depends on which Shopify Theme you are using. If you are not sure how to use these settings or have any confusion, then please chat with us or email us from an in-app chat widget and we will help you.
Display full width button in mobile? : If you will enable this option then it will display changes to the Buy Me/Add To Cart button only for mobile customers. It will hide the rest of all the things from the Sticky Buy Me widget for Mobile devices only. Sometimes if you enable this option is good for Mobile users as it will simply display one sticky button as the Buy Me/ Add To Cart button and customers will get a larger view in the Mobile site version to see products and any other information from your store. So it’s your choice-based option.
Desktop Visibility? : This option is for the desktop version. It contains the details of products like Product Image, Product Title, Product Price, and Product Compare Price to display in a Sticky Buy Me Widget. If you checked all or some of the options then it will show the details of the product in Sticky Buy Me Widget. It will allow you to keep those details in the Sticky Buy Me Widget as you need most.
Mobile Visibility? : This option is for the mobile version. It contains the details of products like Product Image, Product Title, Product Price, and Product Compare Price to display in the Sticky Buy Me Widget. If you checked all or some of the options then it will show the details of the product in the Sticky Buy Me Widget. It will allow you to keep details in the Sticky Buy Me Widget that you need most.
Updated on: 29/02/2024
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