Articles on: ToastiBar - Sales Popup

How do Exclude Products work with the Sales Notification popups?

This option will allow you to exclude products for displaying popups for them. It means if you do not want to display specific products popup due to out-of-stock or other issues then add these products in the exclude products tray. This feature can be utilized in two ways: By Products and By Tags.
(NOTE: The app will consider both ways while excluding the products.)

Exclude by Products

You can exclude products from displaying popups by their name. To exclude a product by name:

Click on “By Products” and “Add New Product.”
Search for the product using its name.
Select the product to add it to the exclusion list.

If you later decide to re-enable popups for a product you have excluded:

Find the product in the exclusion list.
Click on the right side of the product entry to remove it from the list.
The app will resume displaying popups for the product.

Exclude by Tags [Only for Shopify]

In addition to excluding products by name, you can now exclude products by adding Tags. This allows for more flexible and dynamic exclusion based on product attributes. To exclude products by tags:

Click on “By Tags”.
Enter the tag name and press “Enter” or click the “Add” button.

If you later decide to re-enable popups for a product you have excluded:

Click on “By Tags”.
Find the Tag for the relevant product and remove it.
The app will resume displaying popups for the product.

Updated on: 28/01/2025

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